"You HAVE all that?!? In your kitchen???"
A friend of ours has been staying with me during the week, as he prepares to move himself and his family back to the bay area after over a decade in the Midwest.
It's been a great experience for me, giving me someone *else's* needs to focus on during a month of radiation. And another mouth to feed at dinner gives me the impetus to focus on fixing real food -- there was a LOT less cold cereal and packaged ramen in my diet last fall.
Now that the holidays are behind us, we're back focused on healthy food. Last night I pulled a couple of chicken breasts out of the freezer, my copy of Eating Well Serves Two off of the book shelf, and the rest of the ingredients for the
Tarragon Chicken on page 122 out of the refrigerator and the pantry. Twenty minutes later, dinner was on the table.
Because yes Terry. I have all of that in my kitchen.