Here it is, the moment you have all been waiting for... the unveiling of March's best dressed blogs.
This was one tough competition -- just ask Sean & DPaul, Jeff, Bron or Ivonne! Seventy some of you answered my call and offered some of the most compelling, mouth-watering, creative images of food found on the internet. Without further ado, here they are -- the winners of the latest edition of Does My Blog Look Good in This?!?
First, the category winners:
The honorable mentions in the Edible category:The luscious Lavender Lemon Pound Cake presented by "Piggy" of Piggy's Cooking Journal. "Loved the lavender heart," said one judge.
Food Blogga Susan's rich and creamy Butternut Squash Risotto. "I'd spend a week on the treadmill for a bite of that carb-loaded goodness."
...and the taste bud-tingling Ginger-Chile Shrimp concocted by Meena at Hooked on Heat. "Yes. Just... Y. E. S."And the blue ribbon in the edible category goes to this succulent Shirazi Salad offered by Maia of Maia Papaya. We loved the crisp clean color contrasts. Key to this photograph's success is its simplicity...
"It doesn't NEED a quart of chocolate ganache to jazz it up."
Judges also commented that a salad "surrounded by sweets" with a "drool factor, 10" was "a visual and edible delight"
Maia took this photograph with a Nikon D70.
Moving on to the Aesthetic category the honorable runners up include:
Andrew of Spittoon Extra and his Apple Pie with Clotted Cream. "The motion of the cream dripping -sells- this photograph."The Salmon and Caviar Timbale created by Haalo of Cook (almost) Anything at Least Once. "Stunning colour contrasts."
...and the simple Lenten Shrove Buns offered by Denin of Cloudberry Quark. "Love the lighting and the sugar sprinkles..." "This picture invites the viewer to step out of the snow and sit a while by the fire.." And at the top of the aesthetic category: Bea of La Tartine Gourmande and her Madeleines and Tea.
Our judges found this "great picture" a "unique study" in the effects of "motion, color and lighting" on a photograph.
While it "doesn't make me drool" it "grabs my attention and refuses to let go," proving "food porn comes in more than one form."
Bea snapped this photograph with her Canon 30D.
In the Originality category, honorable mention awards include
The Italian Artichokes offered by Nicole of For the Love of Food provide an "intriguing contrast between the natural and the artificial..."
J from Have Fork, will Travel provides a different kind of contrast with Chop Chop. "Color, texture, lights and shadows -- this one has it all."...and JenJen of Milk & Cookies presents another favorite in her Coffee and Marsala Souffle. Our favorite Creampuff sums it up nicely... "Loved this one!"

"This one is quite unique..."
"Fascinating use of color and texture..."
Danielle used her Canon 30D, with a 100mm f2.8 macro lens to capture this compelling image.
Congratulations to our category winners!
Stay tuned... the overall winners will be posted momentarily!
Technorati Tags: Does my Blog Look Good in This?
Wow, thank you! All the entries are so stunning, and I'm so flattered that mine was one of the category winners!
Once again, congratulations to all the winners!
Wow, thanks! I'm thrilled that a simple salad could entice you as much as it did me. :)
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