December 08, 2008

A fridge full of fennel

It seems that 2008 has been a year of growing up for me. At least culinarily. Perhaps something in the transition from 39 to 40 has awakened my adult palate. I don't know. I just know that first it was rhubarb, and now it's fennel.

I hate hated fennel; vegetables shouldn't taste like black jelly beans. When it shows up in my CSA box, I thoughtfully regift it to my friends and neighbors.

Until this week, when I couldn't find a taker. I couldn't bring myself to just toss it, so I turned to my magazine collection for inspiration. Cooking Light delivered, in the form of a Pizza with Caramelized Fennel, Onions & Olives.

I skipped their pizza dough, choosing instead my new standby: the recipe from the October Pizza Challenge. Other than that, I followed the recipe as published.

The result? Okay, I give... fennel doesn't suck.

But I still hate beets!

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From the archives...
In 2006 I offered my kitchen Christmas wish list.
In 2007 I provided a culinary history of me


NKP said...

Mmm, I love fennel on pizza.
It is fun to rediscover food that you passed up on before - I didn't like cilantro until my 30s, 40s are soon upon me too - wonder what I'll discover?

Beth said...

Fennel is definitely a different taste. I don't like it raw either, but I really love it when it's cooked. In the cold months I roast it with onions and cauliflower, olive oil, salt, and pepper for a really easy and flavorful side dish.